In the heart of the North Caucasus, amidst majestic mountain ranges and stunning natural landscapes, stands Mount Beshtau. This unique natural landmark is not only one of the highest points in the North Caucasus region but also an important nature reserve. Mount Beshtau combines natural grandeur, cultural heritage, and recreational opportunities, making it attractive to a multitude of tourists and explorers. Here, you'll find hiking trails of various difficulties, abandoned secret mines shrouded in myths and stories of radiation, and vast untouched forests.


Mount Beshtau is situated in such a way that it is surrounded by the resorts of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, and the city of Lermontov, which was once established for scientists and engineers working on uranium extraction. Its height, more precisely the height of its main peak, reaches just over 1400 meters above sea level. The mountain has 5 peaks, hence its name, which has Turkic origins: "Beş" - five, "Tau" - mountain.

The surroundings of Mount Beshtau are rich in natural resources and unique flora. Diverse plant species, including endangered relic poppies, and animals can be found here, along with picturesque views of mountain valleys, rivers, and forests. The mountain serves as an important ecological reserve and a source of radon waters used in the resorts of Kavminvod.

бештау гора

Mount Beshtau has an ancient history intertwined with various stages of human development. Archaeological research on this territory has uncovered a 3000-year-old treasure, artifacts, and Slavic ritual monuments. The first hermit monks settled here during the time of Ivan the Terrible. By the way, a male monastery on Mount Beshtau still operates to this day.

Mount Beshtau is also a popular tourist destination. Gorgeous natural landscapes, clean mountain air, and numerous trails attract outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Tourists can ascend to the summit via one of the many hiking routes or take a stroll around the mountain. In the video accompanying this article, you can witness my ascent to the summit of the mountain along one of the early established routes, laid out by members of the Caucasus Mountain Society.

восхождение на гору бештау

Mount Beshtau is not merely a geographical feature but a true wonder of nature with a rich history and cultural heritage. It beckons tourists, explorers, and spiritual seekers to its slopes, offering them the opportunity to immerse themselves in the grandeur of nature and admire the landscapes of the North Caucasus from above.

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