Akko is an ancient port city located on the northwest coast of Israel, near Haifa. This unique city has a long history spanning several thousand years. Akko is famous for its architecture, historical landmarks, and cultural heritage.

akko  israel

Akko was settled in ancient times, and for many centuries it was the subject of struggle between various civilizations, including the Phoenicians, Romans, Crusaders, and Muslims. Most of the historical buildings in Akko date back to the period when the city was ruled by the Crusaders, but the Ottoman period also had a significant impact on the architecture of Akko.

АККО: ассасины, тамплиеры, османы и Наполеон. Кому покорился древний город?

The architectural heritage of Acre inspired the creators of the famous game Assassin's Creed. The game, which tells the story of the mysterious order of Assassins and describes the times of the Crusades, includes many historical sites, including the Fortress of the Crusaders in Acre. The game's creators meticulously researched the history of the city and used many elements of the city's architecture and surroundings to create the game world.

АККО: ассасины, тамплиеры, османы и Наполеон. Кому покорился древний город?

The area of the Old City, surrounded by fortress walls, has preserved not only historic buildings but also the spirit of that time. This is largely due to the efforts of local residents who are interested in developing tourism in the city. For example, in the Hammam Museum, you will not only see the ancient Turkish baths that have been continuously operating since their creation until 1948, but also the direct descendant of the last bathhouse attendant who presents a video tour about the history of the Turkish Baths, intertwining family history with facts about the famous Al-Jazzar, who ruled Acre, and the history of the city as a whole. There is something about it that immediately makes you feel not just like a tourist but like a guest.

акко тамплиеры

Another place worthy of attention is undoubtedly the Knight's Hall. Initially, it was considered a crypt during excavations, and only later did everything fall into place when the crypt itself was found. The Knight's Hall is unique, it is the only known structure in the world today where the heavy Romanesque style is combined with elegant Gothic. Its majestic ceilings and arches evoke awe upon acquaintance. The crypt is no less interesting. The museum's creators were able to convey the mood and atmosphere of the place with the help of an audio sequence and video projection on the stone walls of the crypt.

And of course, the White Mosque or Al-Jazzar Mosque, whose minarets are visible from any point in the old city. It is a significant place for believers in the entire Muslim world. According to legend, it was built not only on the ruins of the Hospitaller Order's church but also on the site where the first man grazed his flocks after the creation of the world. It is the second-largest mosque in Israel. Only the mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is larger than the White Mosque.

But it's not just the "above-ground" attractions that lure tourists to Acre. The city is shrouded in legends and stories about the Crusader knights, the Hospitaller monks, the Mason builders whose seals can still be found on the walls of Acre, the Templars, and their secret tunnels beneath the city. One such tunnel is open to the public. Its ceiling height and corridor width change, while the sound of underground water and semi-darkness create a mysterious ambiance. Be sure to walk through the tunnel to feel like a hero in a medieval blockbuster.

тоннель тамплиеров

And of course, don't miss the opportunity to have a meal and taste the local cuisine at one of the cafes or restaurants in the Old City. Prices here are quite reasonable, and customers are welcomed as dear guests.

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